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大峡谷州立大学是 committed to creating and advancing a campus community where individuals feel empowered to raise concerns, 寻求帮助, 在做任何决定之前,要了解各种选择.


我们的团队致力于创造一个保险箱, 欢迎, and inclusive environment for all individuals who seek services through our office.  我们理解你在GVSU的经历可能会受到影响, and we’re able to provide assistance through supportive measures, 或者校园改造, designed to protect your safety and preserve or restore your ability to participate in GVSU’s programs and activities. 

有些人只喜欢支持性的回应, 其他人则选择要求大学进行调查, 有些人两者都选.  We’re here to help inform your decision and which path feels right for you.   

We invite you to an informational meeting with a member of 我们的团队 to discuss your options and how we may be able to assist.  Neither reporting to our office nor discussing with a member of 我们的团队 obligates a course of action.  的 choice to file a formal complaint with GVSU is yours to make. 

You may also choose to make a report with the 大峡谷警察局, 我们可以帮助他们建立联系.


You can report an incident to the 民权和教育法第九条办公室 through our 网上报告表格,电话: (616) 331-9530,或与…的成员联系 我们的团队.

您也可以选择向 大峡谷警察局 通过调用 (616) 331-3255.

& 资源

报告的歧视, 骚扰, 不当行为(包括性侵犯), 跟踪, 性剥削, 欺凌, 危害, 被欺侮, 和报复)

如果你经历过,目睹过,或受到过 歧视、骚扰或不当行为 (包括 性侵犯, 跟踪, 性剥削, 欺凌, 危害, 被欺侮, and retaliation), our office can assist in finding the options that feel right for you.

我们鼓励您通过我们的 网上报告表格 或者联系的成员 我们的团队.


第九条协调员不在的情况下, the Deputy 第九条协调员(s) will assume all responsibility for compliance relative to 第九条.


4015詹姆斯H. •藏伯格大厅
(616) 331-9530


1972年教育修正案第九条 要求所有接受联邦资金或财政的实体 assistance prohibit sex-based 歧视 and sexual misconduct in 他们的教育计划和活动. 

第九条规定,在美国,任何人不得在 基于性别,被排除在参与之外,被拒绝 受益于或受到歧视 任何教育项目或活动. 

  • 第九条保护任何人不受性别歧视, regardless of their real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or 性别表达. 
  • 女性,男性和性别不一致的学生,教师和 staff are protected from any sex-based 歧视, harassment, 或暴力. 

《反妇女暴力再授权法 2013 修订《博天堂官方网页》规定 issued under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), to implement the changes made to the Clery Act by the Violence Against 2013年妇女再授权法案(VAWA).

2020年第九章法规 修订规例 implementing 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 (第九条). 最后一个 regulations specify how recipients of Federal financial assistance covered by 第九条 must respond to allegations of sexual 骚扰与第九条的禁止性行为一致 歧视. 本条例旨在实施标题 IX's prohibition against sex 歧视 by requiring recipients to address sexual harassment as a form of sex 歧视 in education 项目或活动.

最后一个 regulations obligate recipients to respond promptly and supportively to persons alleged to be victimized by sexual harassment, resolve allegations of sexual harassment promptly and accurately under a predictable, fair grievance process that provides due process protections to alleged victims and alleged perpetrators of sexual 骚扰,并对受害者有效实施救济. 最后一个 regulations also clarify and modify 第九条 regulatory requirements 博天堂官方网页第九条,宪法 protections, and other laws, the designation by each recipient of a 第九条协调员 to address sex 歧视 including sexual harassment, the dissemination of a recipient's non-歧视 第九条协调员的政策和联系信息 收养由受赠人提出申诉程序和申诉 process, and prohibition of retaliation for exercise of rights under 第九条.

民权法案第七章 1964 禁止雇佣歧视行为 种族、肤色、国籍、性别(包括怀孕、性行为) 性取向和性别认同)和宗教.

艾略特-拉森民权法案 是否有行为? 密歇根 that defines civil rights; prohibits discriminatory practices, policies, and customs in the exercise of those rights based upon religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status; preserves the confidentiality of records regarding arrest, detention, or other disposition in which a conviction does not result; prescribes the powers and duties of the civil rights commission and the department of civil rights; provides remedies and penalties; provides for fees; and repeals certain acts 以及部分行为.

大峡谷州立大学 does not discriminate against students, 教职员工在任何雇佣实践或在其 教育项目或活动. 大峡谷州立大学是 guided by values for inclusiveness and community which are integral to 我们的使命是让学习者在追求、专业、 and purpose, and to enrich the community through excellent teaching, 积极的学术研究和公共服务.

大学是一个平权行动,机会均等的地方 机构. 它鼓励多样性,并提供平等的机会 教育,就业,所有的项目,以及使用 设施. 大学社区成员,包括候选人 for employment or admissions, and visitors or guests, have the right to be free from acts of harassment and 歧视, which are prohibited if they discriminate or harass on the basis of age, color, disability, familial status, height, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, veteran or active duty military 地位或体重. 此外,《博天堂官方》第九条也规定了大峡谷 the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure that none of its education 项目和活动基于性别/性别进行歧视. 性 includes sex stereotypes, gender identity, 性别表达, sexual 性取向,怀孕或育儿状况.  

的 民权和教育法第九条办公室 serves as a resource for the GVSU community and assists individuals who may have been impacted by 歧视 or harassment in connecting with resources, imposes measures that protect or support access to programs and activities, and oversees the university’s grievance process for allegations of 歧视和骚扰.

Inquiries regarding the application of 第九条 may be referred to 第九条协调员,4015詹姆斯H. •藏伯格大厅, (电子邮件保护), (616) 331-9530.
