A portrait of Holly Jasinski, a woman with blonde hair and glasses. She smiles and poses in front of the 妇女与性别平等中心.

Q&A with Holly Jasinski, new Director of the Center for Women and 性别平等

Holly Jasinski是Gayle R的新导演. 戴维斯妇女与性别平等中心(CWGE). 来自 world of nonprofits, she began in June with a focus on elevating collaboration and student voices through the center. 学一点 more about Jasinski and her plans as she looks ahead to her first 在大峡谷的学期.

Tell me a little bit about your background, and your 我在GVSU的经历.

我在GVSU获得了非营利组织的研究生证书 leadership, but before this position, I’d never worked in higher ed. I come from a long history in nonprofits, most recently in Holland 在韧性:倡导结束暴力. 我职业生涯的大部分时间都是这样 been in domestic violence/sexual assault advocacy and prevention. That's one of my passions, and gender equity fits really closely 有了这些.

In a lot of the work I did before, we would partner 与妇女中心合作. 我一直有来自大峡谷的实习生; I was a preceptor for some grad-level research on sexual assault on 大学校园也是如此. 我一直觉得我和格兰德很亲近 Valley, and this position so far has proven to be just a perfect fit 对我来说.


I'm very passionate about social justice issues and intersectionality, and I've wanted to work with college students for 一段时间. I remember when I was a college student, that's when I 首先意识到很多压迫问题. 我开始 hearing words like “privilege” and getting a better sense of the broader world and the issues in it, and that's when I feel like I 成为了一名激进分子. 我真的很享受 the light bulbs start going off and students are learning about issues in the world and how they can work towards equity. 我只是 我真的很想成为谈话的一部分. 我感到很兴奋.

你说过你在非营利组织工作过. 未来 from that to the world of higher education, what skills are you 给CWGE带来的好处?

I think one of the skills anyone would get working in nonprofits as long as I did is the need to be resourceful and the 具有持续协作的能力. 当你和 people, no one person is like the next person you meet. 例如, a student came in recently and mentioned that they were having some car problems and might have to think about dropping out of school. We provided some resources and connected them to this emergency fund for students, and helped them see that there are options that might 能够提供帮助. 

Somebody might be coming to you for one issue, but that 问题不是凭空发生的. 所以我认为是看到人们进来 a very holistic way, having a keen understanding of intersectionality and knowing that my experience doesn't reflect 除了我以外的任何人. 我觉得"整个人"的方法 在非营利工作中是很大的,重要吗. 同时也能够 collaborate and know who in the community, or in this case on 校园,是在做什么. 这里有丰富的资源 我的脑子都炸了! 每次我想到什么,就像,哦,去吧 我们这样做? 就像是,我们一直都这么做. 所以我认为 opportunity for a collaboration is going to be huge.


One of the things I'm looking forward to most is when students come back and being able to tap into what they want to see for the upcoming year, and the ways they want to get involved. 这是 接下来该怎么做由不得我来决定. 这取决于所有的 学生们将会成为其中的一部分. 我想让这感觉像 非常好客的地方. 对性别公正感兴趣的人,或者 knowing more about reproductive health care and other issues that are sometimes very contentious, 我想让这感觉像 safe place where you can come, learn more, and get involved in ways that 对你来说有意义.

I want to have the center be a place for creativity and 的想法. So if a student comes in and says, for example, they have an 我们想开一个缝衬垫的工作室. 好的,很酷. 什么资源可以 我提供,然后让我给你让路. 我感觉自己是最棒的 way for people to learn and feel empowered is if you let them lead, so acting more as a resource for them, and not centering myself in it.

I would also love to see us really promote our films 我们在周五和周二进行对话. 它们都是 great ways to get students involved and start conversations. 你可以 expect to see more programming like that, not another really big event, but more informal opportunities to engage and learn from one another and have crucial conversations about gender. 我们也 talking about stickers, just little things like that.

What are you most excited for in the coming school year? 

最重要的是培养这些学生 活跃领导者. 我想很多时候我们都有这样的想法 activism has to be going out into the street with signs, but that's 不一定是什么. 这需要提高人们的意识 在你自己的影响范围内的问题. 我也真的 passionate about people understanding what their rights are, and understanding that we can make a difference in terms of elected 领袖们,我们 do 有发言权. 并帮助人们认识到这一点 ways to raise awareness around issues and get to a place where 希望大家能听进去.

Describe the 妇女与性别平等中心 in a few sentences for someone who may not be familiar with what you do.

盖尔R. 戴维斯妇女与性别平等中心 倡导性别公正. 性别公正是充分实现的 of rights and opportunities between men and women, as well as 在不同的性别认同之间. 我们在我们的 programs and service by addressing the root causes of gender discrimination and empowering students and the greater GVSU community to be active in advocating for human rights for women and 所有其他性别少数群体.


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